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AMPP Conference + EXPO 2023 Takeaways Blog
Posted on April 04
AMPP’s Conference + EXPO 2023 was a resounding success, drawing more than 5,700 attendees and 380 exhibitors. The Denver conference was well attended by a diverse group of companies representing service, products, engineering and asset owners. Standing outside the event and waiting to get back in after an ill-timed coffee run, there was a very pre-COVID vibe. It was fantastic to see so many people coming together again–and they definitely were rewarded with lots to see and learn.
One of the highlights of the show was Wednesday’s leadership seminar, which opened with an insightful presentation from Bob Chalker, CEO of AMPP. Chalker talked about the importance of leading during challenging times, stating that it will be “more the norm for business leaders than the exception” to face crises and challenges as leaders. He emphasized the need to ask yourself whether you are ready for what’s going to be thrown at you, suggesting that preparation is key.
The conference also featured several informative workshops, including one on robotics and its application in finding corrosion under insulation (CUI). CUI is a common problem that occurs when moisture becomes trapped behind insulation, corroding the metal underneath. Traditional methods of inspection such as visual inspection, pulsed eddy current, radiography and guided wave ultrasonic testing (UT) can be time-consuming or unable to characterize localized corrosion. However, techniques such as automated ultrasonic testing (AUT), rapid AUT, and rapid ultrasonic gridding (RUG) offer a more efficient solution.
Another workshop presented by Valerie Sherbondy and Rick Huntley of KTA-Tator, Inc. focused on coating failure investigations. Huntley reviewed the process of investigating a failure, stressing the importance of avoiding coming to a conclusion on what may have caused the failure before all the details have been gathered and the results have been interpreted. He shared two tips with the group, emphasizing the goal of getting support for the hypothesis and not sharing the early hypothesis with the client since the perspective may change.
Overall, the 2023 AMPP Annual Conference + Expo was a great success, with valuable information shared by industry experts, and attendees from diverse companies able to exchange ideas and learn from each other. The conference’s fare, from workshops to leadership seminars, and the excellent venue made it an unmissable event for anyone in the industry.